City of Port St.Lucie  
121 SW Port St. Lucie Blvd.  
Port St. Lucie, Florida 34984  
Meeting Agenda  
*Meeting to Follow the 6:00 PM Special City Council Budget Hearing*  
Monday, September 26, 2022  
6:30 PM  
Council Chambers, City Hall  
City Council  
Shannon M. Martin, Mayor  
Jolien Caraballo, Vice Mayor, District IV  
Stephanie Morgan, Councilwoman, District I  
Dave Pickett, Councilman, District II  
Anthony Bonna, Councilman, District III  
Meeting Called to Order  
Roll Call  
Invocation & Pledge of Allegiance  
Proclamations and Special Presentations  
Proclamation: Italian American Heritage and Culture Month  
Proclamation: Treasure Coast Day of Prayer  
Hear a Presentation from St. Lucie Public School on District  
Public to be Heard  
Additions or Deletions to Agenda and Approval of Agenda  
Approval of Consent Agenda  
Approval to Dispose of Surplus City-Owned Property as per  
City Policy #18-01ccd.  
Approval to participate in the Seacoast Utility Authority  
Contract #40-552342-22 for Sulfuric Acid.  
Liberty Lane Development Major Site Plan Amendment  
Approve Re-Appointment of Contractor Examining Board  
Approve Unlimited Home Solutions LLC. a Sole Source  
Vendor for Unlimited Home Solutions Products and OEM  
Award Contract #20220077 for the MIDFLORIDA Event  
Center Monument Sign  
Second Reading of Ordinances, Public Hearings  
Ordinance 22-72, Public Hearing, An Ordinance Amending  
Title XV “Land Usage”, Chapter 154 “Landscape and Land  
Clearing Code”, Article I “Landscaping”, Section 154.03  
“Landscape Design Standards” of the Code of Ordinances of  
the City of Port St. Lucie (P21-204).  
Ordinance 22-80, Quasi-Judicial, Public Hearing, An  
Ordinance Rezoning 457 acres of Property Located South of  
Discovery Way, South of Riverland Parcel C, and West of  
Riverland Boulevard, from SLW AG-5 (St. Lucie County  
Agricultural-5) to MPUD (Master Planned Unit Development)  
for a Project Known as Riverland/Kennedy DRI Parcel D  
Ordinance 22-81, Public Hearing, An Ordinance Amending  
Chapter 50, of the City’s Code of Ordinance Relating to Solid  
Waste, Recycling, Yard Waste, and Bulk Waste Materials  
Collection Service  
Ordinance 22-82, Public Hearing, An Ordinance to Revise and  
Amend Chapter 96 of the City Code, Parks & Recreation  
Ordinance 22-83, Quasi-Judicial, Public Hearing, An  
Ordinance of the City of Port St. Lucie, Florida, Rezoning  
29.90 Acres, More or Less, of Property from the Zoning  
Designations of St. Lucie County AG-5 (Agricultural-5) and  
City of Port St. Lucie MPUD (Master Planned Unit  
Development) to the City’s General Use (GU) Zoning  
Designation (P22-214).  
Ordinance 22-84, Public Hearing, An Ordinance Establishing  
the Veranda Landing Community Development District;  
Providing a District Name; Providing Boundaries; Designating  
Initial Members of the District Board of Supervisors;  
Providing Powers; Providing for Notice of Special  
Assessments; Providing for Exceptions and Interlocal  
Agreements with the City.  
Ordinance 22-85, Public Hearing, An Ordinance of the City of  
Port St. Lucie, Florida, Granting to FCC Environmental  
Services Florida, LLC., a Franchise to Provide Solid Waste and  
Recyclable Collection within the City of Port St. Lucie Pursuant  
to the Existing Contract as Amended.  
Ordinance 22-86, Public Hearing, An Ordinance Approving  
Utility Rate Increases for Water, Wastewater and Reclaimed  
Water Rates  
Ordinance 22-87, Public Hearing, Amending the City’s  
Mobility Plan and Mobility Fee and Providing for an Update to  
the Technical Report.  
Other Public Hearings  
First Reading of Ordinances  
Ordinance 22-88, Abandoning a Portion of a Twenty (20) foot  
wide Rear Utility and Drainage Easement affecting Lot 5,  
Block 1508, Port St. Lucie Section Twenty-Nine, as recorded  
in Plat Book 14, Pages 8, 8A through 8B, of the Public Records  
of St. Lucie County, Florida.  
Ordinance 22-89, An Ordinance Approving the Rezoning of a  
28.8-Acre Parcel for a Planned Unit Development (PUD)  
Zoning District with a Conceptual Development Plan for  
Torino Parc PUD, Located West of NW East Torino Parkway  
and North of NW Blanton Boulevard (P20-177).  
Ordinance 22-90, An Ordinance Rezoning a 49.11-acre  
property, located north of the extension of Crosstown  
Parkway and west of the North/South A Road Right-of-Way,  
from St. Lucie County Agricultural - 5 (SLC AG-5) Zoning  
District to Institutional (I) (P22-182).  
Ordinance 22-91, Petition to Contract the Boundaries of  
Southern Grove Community Development District No. 1  
Ordinance 22-92, Petition to Expand and Contract the  
Boundaries of Southern Grove Community Development  
District No. 3  
Ordinance 22-93, Petition to Contract the Boundaries of  
Southern Grove Community Development District No. 4  
Ordinance 22-94, Petition to Contract the Boundaries of  
Southern Grove Community Development District No. 5  
Ordinance 22-95, Petition to Contract the Boundaries of  
Southern Grove Community Development District No. 6  
Ordinance 22-96, Petition to Establish the Southern Grove  
Community Development District No. 7  
Ordinance 22-97, Petition to Establish the Southern Grove  
Community Development District No. 8  
Ordinance 22-98, Petition to Establish the Southern Grove  
Community Development District No. 9  
Ordinance 22-99, Petition to Establish the Southern Grove  
Community Development District No. 10  
Resolution 22-R87, Quasi-Judicial, Public Hearing, A  
Resolution Granting a Special Exception Use for Club Pure @  
The Marketplace to Allow a School in the General Commercial  
(CG) Zoning District per Section 158.124(7) of the Zoning  
Code (P22-191).  
Resolution 22-R106, A Resolution Approving and Accepting  
the Final Plat with Construction Plans for Verano PUD 1 - Pod  
G - Plat No. 2 (P22-019).  
Resolution 22-R107 Approving a Preliminary and Final Plat  
for Winterlakes Tract F-2 Replat within the City of Port St.  
Lucie, Florida on the Request of South Star International, LLC  
Resolution 22-R108, A Resolution Approving the Preliminary  
and Final Plat for River Place on the St. Lucie Plat No. 9  
Resolution 22-R86, Quasi-Judicial, Public Hearing, A  
Resolution Amending the Verano DRI Map H Preliminary  
Master Plan to Relocate the St. Lucie County School Site,  
Reconfigure the Shape of the City Park Site, and Remove  
References to Access to Glades Cut-off Road and Former  
Peacock Property.  
Unfinished Business  
New Business  
Approve a Major Site Plan for Winterlakes - Dollar General  
Approval of Three (3) Year Agreement Between the City of  
Port St. Lucie and the Federation of Public Employees (FOPE)  
Bargaining Unit  
City Manager's Report  
Councilmembers Report on Committee Assignments  
Public to be Heard - (if necessary as determined by City Council at conclusion  
of public to be heard)  
Notice: No stenographic record by a certified court reporter will be made of the  
foregoing meeting. Accordingly, if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the  
City Council, board, agency, or commission with respect to any matter considered at  
such meeting or hearing, he or she will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for  
such purpose, he or she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings  
is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to  
be based. (F.S. 286.0105)  
Notice: Public and Press are invited to review all the backup for Council Meetings.  
Copies are available in the City Clerk’s Office on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and  
Monday before Council Meetings. On Meeting nights, a copy of backup material is  
available in the reception area of City Hall for public review. Please leave the agenda  
and backup material in good order for others to review.  
Notice: Anyone wishing to speak during Public to be Heard is asked to fill out a yellow  
Participation Card and submit it to the City Clerk. Anyone wishing to speak on any  
Agenda Item is asked to fill out a green Participation Card and submit it to the City Clerk.  
Participation Cards are available on the side table in Council Chambers, at the reception  
desk in City Hall lobby, and in the City Clerk’s Office.  
Notice: In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, persons  
needing special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact the City  
Clerk’s Office at 772-871-5157.  
As a courtesy to the people recording the meeting, please turn all cell phones to silent  
or off. Thank you.