Placement: Consent Agenda
Action Requested: Motion / Vote
Approval to Participate in the Sourcewell Cooperative Contract #020923-MTQ for Portable Construction Equipment.
Submitted By: India Barr, Procurement Contracting Officer I
Strategic Plan Link: The City's Goal of high-quality infrastructure and facilities.
Summary Brief (Agreements/Contracts only)
1. Prepared by: India Barr, Procurement Contracting Officer I
2. Parties: City of Port St. Lucie and Multiquip Inc., a foreign profit corporation authorized to do business in the State of Florida
3. Purpose: This Contract provides for the purchase of Portable Generators to provide power to the City of Port St. Lucie Utility Systems Department (“USD”)-owned lift stations during power outages.
4. New/Renewal/Modified: New
5. Duration: One-time purchase.
6. Benefits to Port St. Lucie: The purchase of portable generators ensures continuity of operations pertaining to sewer service during power outages.
7. Cost to Port St. Lucie (Annual and Potential): The one-time expenditure for four generators is $278,121.60. Future expenditures will be appropriated in the approved budget for each fiscal year.
Presentation Information: N/A.
Staff Recommendation: Move that the Council approve participating in Sourcewell Corporate Contract #020923-MTQ, per Chapter 35.08(a)(9)(a) (cooperative exception), with Multiquip Inc., for the purchase of Portable Construction Equipment.
Alternate Recommendations:
1. Move that the Council amend the recommendation and approve participating in the Sourcewell Cooperative Contract #020923-MTQ.
2. Move that the Council not approve participating in the Sourcewell Cooperative Contract and provide staff with direction.
Background: The USD requests to purchase four 125 KVA Portable Generators to provide a redundancy for power at its lift stations. The USD enacted a program which replaces those (aging) surplused units with new units. This purchase is consistent with the replacement program.
Issues/Analysis: Staff has reviewed the Sourcewell Cooperative Contract and finds that it meets the needs of the City and meets the requirements of the City’s procurement ordinance.
Financial Information: Funds are appropriated in the Utility Fund (431-3380-564400).
Special Consideration: N/A.
Location of Project: N/A.
1. Vendor Proposal.
2. Broadcast Notification.
3. Replacement Request Form.
4. Sourcewell Solicitation.
5. Signed Piggyback Contract.
NOTE: All of the listed items in the “Attachment” section above are in the custody of the City Clerk. Any item(s) not provided in City Council packets are available upon request from the City Clerk.
Internal Reference Number: 23248-03
Legal Sufficiency Review:
Reviewed by Alyssa Lunin, Deputy City Attorney. Approved as to Legal form and sufficiency by Richard Berrios, Interim City Attorney.