City of Port St. Lucie header
File #: 2024-1209    Version: Name:
Type: Ordinance Status: Second Reading
File created: 11/20/2024 In control: City Council
On agenda: 1/13/2025 Final action:
Title: Ordinance 24-79, an Ordinance, Providing for the 1st Amendment of the Planned Unit Development Document and Conceptual Plan for the Sandpiper Bay PUD for Property Located at 3500 SE Morningside Boulevard, Generally Located North of the North Fork of the St. Lucie River, South of SE Westmoreland Boulevard, East of SE Morningside Boulevard, at the Western Terminus of SE Pine Valley Street (P24-111).
Attachments: 1. Ordinance, 2. Exhibit A - PUD Amendment No. 1, 3. Staff Report, 4. Cover Letter, 5. Concept Plan, 6. Overall Layout Plan, 7. Conceptual Landscape Plan, 8. Agent Authorization Letter, 9. Deed, 10. Public Works Traffic Memo, 11. Traffic Impact Statement, 12. Staff Presentation

Placement: Second Reading of Ordinances                     

Action Requested: Motion / Vote                     


Ordinance 24-79, an Ordinance, Providing for the 1st Amendment of the Planned Unit Development Document and Conceptual Plan for the Sandpiper Bay PUD for Property Located at 3500 SE Morningside Boulevard, Generally Located North of the North Fork of the St. Lucie River, South of SE Westmoreland Boulevard, East of SE Morningside Boulevard, at the Western Terminus of SE Pine Valley Street (P24-111). 


Submitted By: Bethany Grubbs, Senior Planner


Strategic Plan Link: The City's Goal of a diverse local economy and employment opportunities.


Executive Summary (General Business): The primary objective of this amendment is to ensure compatibility with the existing operational use of the property, which currently hosts a school that focuses on sports training and includes ancillary soccer fields and to make improvements towards revitalizing the resort. This application will amend the PUD document and concept plan to reclassify certain uses on the PUD concept plan. 


Presentation Information: Staff will provide a presentation.


Staff Recommendation: Move that the Council approve the PUD amendment as recommended by the Planning and Zoning Board. 


Alternate Recommendations:

1.                     Move that the Council amend the recommendation and approve the PUD amendment. 

2.                     Move that the Council not approve the PUD amendment and provide staff direction. 


Background: The site has been developed with a commercial resort with recreational facilities consisting of an 18-hole golf course, tennis, watersports, basketball, pickleball, fitness center, spa, marina, conference space, and a school with soccer fields.   The Sandpiper Bay PUD (fka Club Med Sandpiper) was first approved in 2010 (P09-047) at which time the hotel and golf course were rezoned under the master PUD from CG and OSR to PUD. It was determined that the presence of a school facility on Parcel A was incompatible with the property’s underlying future land use classification of Limited Commercial (CL). This determination is in accordance with Policy of the Future Land Use Element, which establishes the zoning districts compatible with the City’s Future Land Use classifications. The proposed amendment seeks to resolve these compatibility issues while supporting the operational needs of the school and enhancing the overall functionality of the resort as it undergoes renovations.   The following changes are proposed:  Adding school (public, private or parochial, kindergarten (including VPK) and grades 1 through 12) as a permitted use. Adding accessory food service structures as a permitted use.  Amending the concept plan to reflect the private school and soccer fields. Deleting language pertaining to architectural design. All future buildings and renovations shall adhere to the citywide design standards.  Updates to property ownership and the regulation documents.  Change the name of the PUD. Increase the building height.


Issues/Analysis: According to the Institute of Traffic Engineers Trip Generation Manual, 150 private high school students would generate 60 PM Peak hour trips. The private school is currently operating with 117 students which is 47 PM Peak hour trips. Even though the school traffic was not originally approved, the increase in students over what is currently operational will result in only 13 additional PM Peak hour trips over what is existing today. This amount of traffic is considered to be negligible impacts for the area.


Financial Information: N/A


Special Consideration: There is an associated application (P24-130) to change the land use for 6.83 acres of Limited Commercial (CL) to General Commercial (CG) / Institutional (I). 


Location of Project: 3500 SE Morningside Boulevard, generally located at the SE Pine Valley Street and SE Monte Vista Steet intersection.



1.                     Ordinance

2.                     Exhibit A - PUD Amendment No. 1

3.                     Staff Report

4.                     Cover Letter

5.                     Concept Plan

6.                     Overall Layout Plan

7.                     Conceptual Landscape Plan

8.                     Agent Authorization Letter

9.                     Deed

10.                     Public Works Traffic Memo

11.                     Traffic Impact Statement

12.                     Staff Presentation



NOTE: All of the listed items in the “Attachment” section above are in the custody of the City Clerk. Any item(s) not provided in City Council packets are available upon request from the City Clerk.


Internal Reference Number: 24267-06


Legal Sufficiency Review: 

Reviewed by Russell Ward, Deputy City Attorney. Approved as to Legal form and sufficiency by Richard Berrios, City Attorney.