Placement: New Business
Action Requested: Motion / Vote
Approve the Torino Regional Park Phase 1 Recommendation
Submitted By: Kelly Boatwright, Acting Assistant Director, Parks and Recreation
Strategic Plan Link: The City's Goal to enjoy culture, nature and fun activities.
Executive Summary (General Business): Discuss the Torino Regional Park Phase I Recommendation
Presentation Information: Jonathan Haigh of Kimley-Horn will provide a brief presentation of the Torino Regional Park Phase 1 Recommendation. City staff will be in attendance to answer questions.
Staff Recommendation: Move that the Council approve the Torino Regional Park Phase 1 Recommendation.
Alternate Recommendations:
1. Move that the Council amend the recommendation and approve the Torino Regional Park Phase 1 Recommendation.
2. Move that the Council not approve and provide staff further direction.
Background: A Park Plan for this area was previously drafted in 2006 and included a sports complex with four ballfields, interactive water fountains and splashpads, walking trails, tennis and pickleball courts, and a playground on the northern parcels. Due to the great recession, the project was put on hold. The smaller parcel, north of West Blanton Blvd., has since become a radio-controlled (RC) hobby park and is home to the Port St. Lucie RC Hobby Group.
The Torino Regional Park construction has been requested and a long-desired amenity for the City of Port St Lucie. The proposed regional park conceptual design includes three sites in the Torino area of the City of Port St. Lucie. The first, and largest area, is located in the northern section of the Torino Neighborhood on property spanning 131.58 acres south of NW North Torino Parkway, west of NW East Torino Parkway, and north of W. Blanton Blvd. If approved, the Phase I recommended construction would take place on the northeast corner of this area. The second area consists of three parcels spanning 14.46 acres on the southeast corner of NW West Torino Parkway and W. Blanton Blvd. The third area encompasses two parcels of land located at the intersection of NW East Torino Parkway and NW Allyse Drive, consisting of 46.13 acres.
The Design team has developed a Torino Regional Park Phase 1 recommendation based on resident and stakeholder input, identified funding, and a comprehensive approach to implementation.
Issues/Analysis: N/A
Financial Information: Funds have been appropriated in the Fiscal Year 23/24 Parks CIP Fund / Park Impact Fee Account #305 consisting of $10 million bond funding, $5.5 million ARPA Recovery Funds, $4 million St Lucie County Interlocal Agreement Funds and $875,000 Fiscal Year 24/25 funding Parks CIP Fund/Park Impact Fee Account #305.
Special Consideration: N/A
Location of Project: NW Torino Parkway
Attachments: Torino Regional Park Phase I Recommendation Presentation
NOTE: All of the listed items in the “Attachment” section above are in the custody of the City Clerk. Any item(s) not provided in City Council packets are available upon request from the City Clerk.
Internal Reference Number: N/A
Legal Sufficiency Review: