Placement: Resolutions
Action Requested: Motion / Vote
Resolution 24-R59, Resolution to Amend to the City of Port St. Lucie Youth Council Bylaws; Amend Keep Port St. Lucie Bylaws; Amend other Housekeeping Changes to the City’s Boards and Committees General Rules and Procedures
Submitted By: Carly A. Fabien, Deputy City Attorney, City Attorney’s Office
Strategic Plan Link: The City's Goal of a high-performing city government organization.
Executive Summary (General Business): Changes to the City of Port St. Lucie Youth Council bylaws, Keep Port St. Lucie Beautiful bylaws, and other City Boards and Committees housekeeping items.
Presentation Information: Brief presentation five (5) minutes by staff.
Staff Recommendation: Move that the Council approve the recommended changes to the City of Port St. Lucie Youth Council bylaws and structure, changes to the Keep Port St. Lucie Beautiful bylaws, and housekeeping changes to the City’s Boards and Committee general rules and procedures and other board bylaws.
Alternate Recommendations:
1. Move that the Council amend the recommendation and approve the amended recommended changes to the Port St. Lucie Youth Council bylaws and structure, changes to the Keep Port St. Lucie Beautiful bylaws, and housekeeping changes to the City’s Boards and Committees general rules and procedures and other board bylaws.
2. Move that the Council not approve the recommended changes and provide staff with direction.
Youth Council. The City of Port St. Lucie Youth Council concluded their first term this past May and opened applications to the City’s youth. The Youth Council received an astonishing forty-seven (47) applications from well qualified and impressive youth in the community. To become more inclusive and provide more opportunities for the City’s youth, staff recommends that the previous limit of seven (7) members be expanded to allow for any number of members on the Youth Council but include a core governing board of seven (7) overseeing the delegation. The members of the Youth Council shall create committees which shall be approved by the governing board. Those committees will help effectuate more opportunities for teens and help the Youth Council obtain more data on the wants and needs of the City’s youth.
Upon request of City Council on August 12, 2024, the language was revised to include all students enrolled in grades ninth (9th) through twelfth grade (12th) inclusive of those attending public, private, homeschooling, or any other schooling format. Additionally, to allow students to serve the City for up to four (4) years while also being mindful of changing schedules/interests, the terms were changed to one (1) year terms with the option to automatically opt into the next year, so long as the student is in good standing, still desires to serve on the board, and is still enrolled in grades ninth (9th) through twelfth (12th).
Keep Port St. Lucie Beautiful (KPSLB). The City’s Keep Port St. Lucie Beautiful affiliated chapter has been unactive for the past few years. To continue the board’s goal of eradicating litter in the City and advancing the value of a clean, safe, and beautiful City, the amended bylaws provide a structure which will help foster a spirit of volunteerism, as well as community pride. This includes having a core governing board and a delegation of members, including City staff, who both obtain data from the community on the state of litter in the City and facilitate volunteer opportunities for both members and residents alike.
Boards and Committees; Housekeeping. Housekeeping changes to the general boards and committees provisions are as follows:
- A conflict provision to clarify that when the bylaws and the boards and committees’ resolution conflict, the bylaws prevail.
- Explains that alternate members shall act as voting members, when necessary, on a rotating basis, per a schedule provided by the Clerk’s office.
- Clarified the difference between a voting and alternate member and the role that each member has on the board.
- Explains the process for switching out board members when a member is a representative from another agency.
- Provides a process for elevating alternate members to full members when a seat is vacant and how long applications for board seats are valid.
- Introduces a staggered board term which includes three (3) separate classes with varying term lengths which will help avoid the cycling of all board members at the same time.
- Minor changes to the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee to update its language and provide consistency/clarification.
- Overall stylistic changes such as using consistent styles for numerals and ensuring words are properly capitalized.
Issues/Analysis: N/A
Financial Information: N/A
Special Consideration: These changes, aside from the housekeeping changes to the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee, were presented to City Council for support on August 12, 2024, and Council moved to support the changes, with one recommended change to the City of Port St. Lucie bylaws, which was incorporated into the presented bylaws.
Location of Project: N/A
1. Resolution
2. Resolution with Redlines
NOTE: All of the listed items in the “Attachment” section above are in the custody of the City Clerk. Any item(s) not provided in City Council packets are available upon request from the City Clerk.
Internal Reference Number: 24190-12
Legal Sufficiency Review:
Reviewed by Carly Fabien, Deputy City Attorney. Approved as to Legal form and sufficiency by Richard Berrios, City Attorney.