Placement: Resolutions
Action Requested: Motion / Vote
Resolution 24-R92, Authorizing the Acquisition of Real Property Described as Lot 15, Block 1230, Port St. Lucie Section Twenty, as Recorded in Plat Book 13, Page 21, of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida, for a Roadway Project and Stormwater Purposes.
Submitted By: Clyde Cuffy, P.E., Public Works
Strategic Plan Link: The City's Goal of high-quality infrastructure and facilities.
Summary Brief (Agreements/Contracts only)
1. Prepared by: Margaret Carland, Senior Deputy City Attorney
2. Parties: City of Port St. Lucie (Buyer) and Doris Maria Mejia (Seller)
3. Purpose: To acquire real property located at 1868 SW California Blvd, Port St. Lucie, FL, for a roadway project and stormwater purposes.
4. New/Renewal/Modified: New
5. Duration: N/A
6. Benefits to Port St. Lucie: Acquisition of real property located at 1868 SW California Blvd, Port St Lucie, FL, will be beneficial to the City’s goal of providing high-quality infrastructure and facilities.
7. Cost to Port St. Lucie (Annual and Potential): $150,000.00 plus closing costs and the appraisal fee.
Presentation Information: Staff will be available to answer any questions.
Staff Recommendation: Move that the Council approve the Resolution authorizing the acquisition of real property located at 1868 SW California Blvd for a roadway project and stormwater purposes.
Alternate Recommendations:
1. Move that the Council amend the recommendation and approve the acquisition.
2. Move that the Council not approve the acquisition.
Background: As the City’s population continues to grow and traffic increases, staff continues to monitor the development of the in-fill General Development lots throughout the City to ensure that the development of these lots do not create unnecessary hazards to the existing infrastructure. The lot located at 1868 SW California Blvd is on the corner of SW California Blvd and SW Crosstown Pkwy. Earlier this year, the property owner submitted a residential plot plan and driveway permit to develop this lot. If permitted, the residential driveway will be within the southbound merge lane following the signalized intersection, which could create an unfavorable and possibly hazardous condition for vehicles traveling through the intersection. Additionally, the location of this lot may be favorable for use with the proposed SW California Blvd roadway project. For these reasons, staff, with the authorization of the City Manager, negotiated with the property owner for the City to acquire the subject property.
Issues/Analysis: Residential driveway access within the influence of a signalized intersection and merge lane could potentially create an unfavorable condition for the general public. Public Works intends for this lot to remain vacant or be utilized with the SW California Blvd roadway improvement project.
Financial Information: The acquisition will cost the City $150,000.00 plus closing costs and the appraisal fee.
Special Consideration: N/A
Location of Project: The real property to be acquired by the City is located at 1868 SW California Blvd.
1. Resolution
2. Vacant Land Contract and Addendum - Signed by Owner
3. Location Map
4. Appraisal
5. CM Memo
NOTE: All of the listed items in the “Attachment” section above are in the custody of the City Clerk. Any item(s) not provided in City Council packets are available upon request from the City Clerk.
Internal Reference Number: 24198-15
Legal Sufficiency Review:
Reviewed by Margaret M. Carland, Senior Deputy City Attorney. Approved as to Legal form and sufficiency by Richard Berrios, City Attorney.