Placement: Consent Agenda
Action Requested: Motion / Vote
Motion to Approve Staff’s Recommendation to Classify SW Idol Avenue’s Traffic Environment as Type III - Other
Submitted By: Joseph DeFronzo, PE, RSP1, Eng., CIP & Support Division Director, Public Works
Strategic Plan Link: The City's Goal of safe, clean, and beautiful.
Executive Summary (General Business): The section of SW Idol Avenue under consideration is from SW Savona Boulevard to SW Yamada Road and SW Yamada Road from SW Idol Avenue to SW Gig Place. Per the City’s Neighborhood Traffic Calming Policy (NTCP) adopted May 18, 2020, this application is being brought for Council consideration for classification of the subject roadway traffic patterns as “Type III - Other”. Classification as “Type III” will allow the application to move forward to the conceptual design phase. The adopted NTCP allows local and collector roadways with vehicular volumes and 85th percentile speeds within 20% of the minimums set forth in the Policy to be brought forward for Council consideration upon recommendation by the Public Works Director or designee. In addition to volumes and speeds, the Policy takes into consideration the number of bus stops, availability of sidewalks, roadway lighting, crash history, etc. prior to making a recommendation to City Council.
Presentation Information: There is no presentation, but staff is available to answer any questions.
Staff Recommendation: Move that the Council approve staff’s recommendation to classify the subject portion of SW Idol Avenue and SW Yamada Road as “Type III-Other” allowing the application to proceed to the conceptual design phase in the application process.
Alternate Recommendations:
1. Move that the Council amend the recommendation and provide staff comments and direction on how to move forward.
2. Move that the Council not approve classifying the roadway as “Type III-Other” and provide direction.
Background: The City’s NTCP adopted on May 18, 2020 allows local and collector roadways with vehicular volumes and 85th Percentile speeds within 20% of the minimum set forth in the Policy to be brought forward for Council consideration upon recommendation by the Public Works Director or designee. In addition to volumes and speeds, the Policy takes into consideration the number of bus stops, availability of sidewalks, roadway lighting, crash history, etc. prior to making a recommendation to City Council.
Issues/Analysis: The subject section of SW Idol Avenue meets the minimum criteria to be classified as Type III.
Financial Information: Public Works allocates $150,000 annually through the Road and Bridge capital improvement fund. A conceptual estimate of cost for this project is $100,000.
Special Consideration: Based upon the annual funding and current backlog, this project would be designed and constructed in FY 24/25.
Location of Project: SW Idol Avenue and SW Yamada Road
Attachments: Application and Petition, Report, Aerial Map
NOTE: All of the listed items in the “Attachment” section above are in the custody of the City Clerk. Any item(s) not provided in City Council packets are available upon request from the City Clerk.
Internal Reference Number: N/A
Legal Sufficiency Review: