Placement: New Business
Action Requested: Motion / Vote
Public Art Application: The Tree of American Dreams Alternative Equivalent Proposal Request for Legacy Park at Tradition (P23-096).
Submitted By: Bethany Grubbs, Senior Planner
Strategic Plan Link: The City's Goal to enjoy culture, nature and fun activities.
Executive Summary (General Business): Sansone Development Group, as the developer of Legacy Park at Tradition, has submitted an application for a proposed sculpture titled “Tree of American Dreams”. The application was submitted under Section 162.08 (d) of the Art in Public Places Ordinance. Per Section 162.08 (d), an applicant can apply for approval of an alternative equivalent proposal for the installation of freely accessible work of art on City public right-of-way, on property owned by other public agencies, or on another property under the control or ownership of the developer. Under the alternative equivalent proposal option, an applicant may seek to combine the public art assessment associated with multiple projects into one larger work of art in lieu of several small works of art. The developer must demonstrate that the cost of the proposal will be equal to the cost of the public art assessment that would otherwise be required for each project. The City may approve the proposal if it finds that the developer has established to the satisfaction of the City that the alternative equivalent proposal will create freely accessible public art in the City to an equal or greater extent than installation of public art on individual project sites or a contribution to the City’s Public Art Fund.
Presentation Information: The applicant will make a presentation.
Staff Recommendation: The Planning and Zoning Department recommends the Board review and discuss the application and recommend approval of the artwork.
Alternate Recommendations:
1. If the Board feels sufficient information is provided, the Board can recommend approval of the proposal with comments. The comments will have to be addressed prior to the scheduling of the item for City Council approval.
2. Move that the Board not approve the proposal and provide staff direction.
Background: This is a request for an Alternative Equivalent Proposal (Option 4) of the Public Art Ordinance specific to the Legacy Park at Tradition developments.
The proposal is for a work of art to be known as the “Tree of American Dreams” and comprised of a bronzed tree with eight branches and topped by an American Eagle, by artist Geoffrey C. Smith. The artwork is to be installed in support of the new industrial development taking place in the vicinity of Legacy Park at Tradition. The artwork is designed to serve both as a landmark feature for the Legacy Park project and to honor to the memory of the founder of the Sansone Group, Anthony F. Sansone Sr, who passed away in 2021. The American Bald Eagle was selected as the symbol to represent the strength of spirt that is found all Americans where the belief is any dream is possible. The art feature itself is approximately 14 feet in height and will be placed on a two (2) foot high base, that will have its top surface elevation two (2) feet above the centerline of the adjacent SW Hegener Drive. The areas around the base will be landscaped with low shrubs and grasses so not to take away from the impact of the primary sculpture.
In partnership with the Port St. Lucie Governmental Finance Corporation (GFC), the Sansone Group is the major developer of Legacy Park in Southern Grove. Legacy Park is generally located north of Becker Road, east of SW Village Parkway, south of the future extension of Marshall Parkway, and west of Interstate 95. The request is to combine the public art assessment for six approved projects in Legacy Park into one larger public art project. The six projects are as follows:
1. Lot #1, FedEx, a 250,000 square foot distribution and sorting center (P20-181)
2. Lot #2, a 168,000 square foot distribution/wholesale use building (P21-095)
3. Lot #3, a 250,000 square foot distribution building (P22-110)
4. Lot #4, a 520,000 square foot distribution building (P21-096)
5. Lot #5, Amazon, a 250,000 square foot distribution building (P21-057)
6. Lot #8, Costco, a 1,240,000 square foot distribution center (P22-222)
The estimated value of the Legacy Part @ Tradition Art Feature, is $600,000, not including site work. The value assigned to each of these development sites is the maximum required by the city for buildings of their value, $100,000.
Issues/Analysis: This Public Art feature will be located on property under the ownership of the City of Port St Lucie. It is the intention of the Sansone Group to transfer the long-term maintenance of this feature to the City, following a suitable grow in period for the sites landscaping. All necessary agreements with the city and the Sansone Development Group (the developers of the Legacy Park subdivision) will be finalized while the Public Art feature is being constructed.
Issues/Analysis: Per Section 162.08 (d), the submittal of an Alternative Equivalent Proposal shall contain all information and establish all criteria set forth in Section 162.09 of the Public Art Ordinance for the inclusion of public art on private development.
The artwork has to be located in an exterior place and the application must include:
1. Artist's qualifications, including resume and portfolio establishing the artist's credentials.
2. Detailed description and depiction of the work of art and its location on the site.
3. Drawings and renderings of the proposed work of art, in terms of size, scale, color, shape, and materials in sufficient detail to provide a clear understanding of the art.
4. Maintenance program required for the artwork.
5. Compliance with public accessibility (ADA) requirements.
The city may approve the alternative equivalent proposal if it finds that:
1. The alternative equivalent proposal will further the purposes of the City’s Public Art Ordinance.
2. The proposed location of the alternative equivalent proposal is in reasonable proximity to the location of the site(s) generating the work of art requirement, in order to avoid clustering of all public art in one location.
3. The cost of the proposal will be equal to or greater than the cost of the public art assessment that would otherwise be required for each individual project.
4. The developer has established to the satisfaction of the City that the alternative equivalent proposal will create freely accessible public art in the City to an equal or greater extent than installation of public art on the individual project site or contribution to the Public Art Fund.
In approving a proposal, the City may impose reasonable conditions of approval requiring the developer to enter into agreements with the City or other public agencies or private parties in order to memorialize the legal obligations of all parties involved with the alternative equivalent proposal.
Financial Information: The Sansone Group will transfer the long-term maintenance responsibilities of this feature to the city, following a suitable grow in period for the sites landscaping. The necessary agreements with the city and the Sansone Development Group are being reviewed by the city and developer.
Special Consideration: This Public Art feature will be located on property under the ownership of the City of Port St Lucie.
Location of Project: Southeast corner of the intersection of SW Village Parkway and SW Hegener Drive.
1. Public Art Sculpture Elevations
2. Foundation Plan
3. Site Plan
4. Artist’s Bio
5. Project Location Map
6. Deed
NOTE: All of the listed items in the “Attachment” section above are in the custody of the City Clerk. Any item(s) not provided in packets are available upon request from the City Clerk.