Placement: Consent Agenda
Action Requested: Motion / Vote
Approval to Participate in the Broward County Sheriff's Office Contract Number 23004AP to Purchase Vehicle Emergency Equipment and Installation Services.
Submitted By: Dave Harris, Procurement Manager, Procurement Management Division
Strategic Plan Link: The City's Goal of safe, clean, and beautiful.
Summary Brief (Agreements/Contracts only)
1. Prepared by: Dave Harris, Procurement Manager, PMD.
2. Parties: City of Port St. Lucie, Broward County Sheriff's Office and awarded vendor, The Shyft Group Upfit Services, d/b/a Strobes-R-Us.
3. Purpose: This approval will allow the routine purchase of emergency equipment and installation/maintenance of same by the Port St. Lucie Police Department.
4. New/Renewal/Modified: New
5. Duration: Initial term will be through June 8, 2026. If the underlying contract is renewed beyond that expiration, then the City will also renew for the additional 2 (two) 1 (one) year terms through June 8, 2028.
6. Benefits to Port St. Lucie: Allows the purchase of emergency equipment and services for outfitting emergency vehicles for the Port St. Lucie Police Department.
7. Cost to Port St. Lucie (Annual and Potential): Estimate $2.5 million. Future expenditures will be appropriated in the adopted budget for each fiscal year.
Presentation Information: N/A
Staff Recommendation: Move that the Council approve participating in the Broward County Sheriff's Office Contract #23004AP, per Chapter 35.08(9)(b) with The Shyft Group Upfit Services, d/b/a Strobes-R-Us.
Alternate Recommendations:
1. Move that the Council amend the recommendation and approve participating in the Broward County Sheriff's Contract #23004AP, per Chapter 35.08(9)(b) with The Shyft Group Upfit Services, d/b/a Strobes-R-Us
2. Move that the Council not approve participating in the Broward County Sheriff's Contract #23004AP and provide staff with direction.
Background: The Broward County Sheriff...
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