Placement: New Business
Action Requested: Motion / Vote
Hear an Update on Naturally PSL: Green Spaces and Places Program
Submitted By: Kate Parmelee, Deputy City Manager for Strategic Initiatives & Innovation
Strategic Plan Link: The City's Vision to put residents first.
Executive Summary (General Business): A new program, Naturally PSL: Green Spaces and Places will be launched at the 2025 Citizen Summit. Designed in response to and with significant resident feedback, the program will help advance a top priority identified at the last two summits. Staff will provide an overview in advance of the summit.
Presentation Information: A 10-minute presentation will be provided by the City Manager's Office and Communications Department.
Staff Recommendation: Move that the Council hear the update and accept the program plan.
Alternate Recommendations:
1. Move that the Council amend the recommendation and hear the update and accept the program plan.
2. Move that the Council provide direction.
Background: At the 2023 Citizen Summit, residents identified increased access to green space as their top priority. In response, the City continued to pursue innovative solutions, such as the development of high-performance public spaces and applied for and was selected to participate in the Bloomberg Harvard City Leadership Initiative and the Innovation Track hosted by the Bloomberg Center for Public Innovation at Johns Hopkins University and Centre for Public Impact to further identify solutions through human-centered design. The Naturally PSL Green Spaces & Places Program emerged from this work to capture the work the city team continues to advance in increasing residents' access to nature.
Issues/Analysis: N/A
Financial Information: The City received support from Bloomberg Philanthropies through the Bloomberg Harvard City Leadership Initiative and continues to receive dedicated staff support through the design and policy work of Bloomberg Harvard...
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