Placement: Consent Agenda
Action Requested: Motion / Vote
Approve Five-Year Service Subscription with Upgrade for Existing Thompson Reuters Software known as Westlaw CoCounsel
Submitted By: Bryan Pankhurst, Legal Operations Administrator, City Attorney's Office
Strategic Plan Link: The City's Goal of a high-performing city government organization.
Summary Brief (Agreements/Contracts only)
1. Prepared by: Bryan Pankhurst, City Attorney's Office.
2. Parties: City of Port St. Lucie, and West Publishing Corporation and Thomson Reuters Enterprise Centre GmbH (collectively, "Thompson Reuters").
3. Purpose: Provide subscription service for legal research.
4. New/Renewal/Modified: New five-year agreement and modification of existing subscription to include increased functionality for entire department.
5. Duration: Five-year initial term with automatic renewal periods of twelve months each unless/until one party gives notice of cancellation prior to the start of a new period.
6. Benefits to Port St. Lucie: Will increase efficiency with regard to legal research to enhance the department's ability to provide timely legal advice.
7. Cost to Port St. Lucie (Annual and Potential): Upgrade will consist of an additional $17,667.14 on top of existing subscription for the total first-year cost of $79,344. There will be built-in two percent annual increases each year. Total five-year total cost, with the two percent annual increases, is $412,909.08. Amount for each renewal period will be as approved for each year's budget.
Presentation Information: Staff and company representative are available to answer any questions.
Staff Recommendation: Move that the Council approve the Service Subscription Agreement ("Agreement") between the City and Thomson Reuters, and waive formal bidding pursuant to City Code of Ordinances, Sections 35.08(a)(11) (academic and educational programs); 35.08(a)(16) (Magazine subscriptions, periodicals, and publications); and 35.08(c) (...
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