Placement: Consent Agenda
Action Requested: Motion / Vote
Approve the Terms and Conditions and Provide Authorization for the City Manager to Execute an Artwork Commission Agreement for a Dolphin Themed Sculpture by the Artist Peter Busby, Located in an Oval-a-bout at Floresta Drive between Walters Terrace and Damask Avenue.
Submitted By: Bethany Grubbs, Planner III
Strategic Plan Link: The City's Goal of high-quality infrastructure and facilities.
Executive Summary (General Business): To review and approve the terms and conditions of the artwork commission agreement for artwork at the Floresta Drive oval-a-bout between Walters Terrace and Damask Avenue and provide authorization for execution by the City Manager.
Presentation Information: N/A
Staff Recommendation: Move that the Council approve the terms and conditions of the artwork commission agreement between the City and Artist Peter Busby and provide authorization for the City Manager to execute the agreement.
Background: The Council has identified the enhancement of public spaces through the installation of public art as a key initiative. The City is actively promoting the installation of modern roundabouts throughout the City at strategic intersections and has been locating public art in the center of the roundabouts. An oval-a-bout project has been proposed, including a public art element, and an artwork commission agreement has been drafted for execution by the City Manager, between Peter Busby and the City, which outlines the responsibilities, design, expectations, and conditions under which the selected artist or organization will operate. This is a request to approve the terms and conditions of the artwork commission agreement and provide authorization for the City Manager to execute.
Issues/Analysis: N/A
Financial Information: The cost of the sculpture installation will be paid for through the public art fund, approximately $200,000.
Special Consideration: N/A
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