Placement: Second Reading of Ordinances / Public Hearing
Action Requested: Motion / Vote
Ordinance 19-44, An Ordinance Providing for the Abandonment of a Portion of a 20-Foot Utility and Drainage Easement Affecting Lot 9, Block 2244, Port St. Lucie Section Thirty-Three, Recorded in Plat Book 15, Page(s) 1, 1A through 1V, of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida; Providing for Conflict; Providing for Severability; and Providing an Effective Date.
Submitted By: Clyde Cuffy, E.I., Public Works Department
Strategic Plan Link: The City's Mission to be responsive to our community.
Executive Summary (General Business): The owners of 4225 SW Kazan Street are requesting to abandon 10 feet of the existing 20-foot wide rear drainage and utility easement so that the owners can construct a swimming pool and pool deck.
Presentation Information: N/A
Staff Recommendation: Move that the Council approve to abandon 10 feet of the rear 20-foot drainage and utility easement located at 4225 SW Kazan Street.
Alternate Recommendations:
1. Move that the Council amend the recommendation and approve the Abandonment of Easement.
2. Move that the Council not approve the Abandonment of Easement and provide staff direction.
Background: The property located at 4225 SW Kazan Street was platted with a rear 20-foot wide drainage and utility easement. The owners desire to construct a pool and pool deck ten feet into the 20-foot easement. Prior to construction of the pool, a 10-foot wide portion of the easement will need to be abandoned. The owners of the property have submitted a request for the abandonment to the City.
Issues/Analysis: The request to abandon a portion of the easement was evaluated by the Public Works Department, Utility Systems Department, and the Public Utility Companies (AT&T, FPL, Comcast, and Florida City Gas). The City Departments and Utility Companies have no objection to the abandonment of ten feet of the 20-foot rear easement at 4225 SW K...
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