Placement: New Business
Action Requested: Discussion
Discussion Update: Proceeding with the Call to Artists for City Hall
Submitted By: Bethany Grubbs, AICP, Senior Planner
Strategic Plan Link: The City's Goal to enjoy culture, nature and fun activities.
Presentation Information: N/A
Staff Recommendation: That Council authorized staff to proceed with the Call to Artists, programming a budget of up to $200,000 in public art funds, and provide confirmation of the size and scale.
Background: At the August 28, 2023, City Council meeting, Council provided direction for staff to proceed with a Call to Artists for the installation of public art at Port St. Lucie City Hall once the rebranding efforts were complete. At the above-referenced City Council meeting, City Council stated that once the Noveau Crane sculpture was removed, a permanent artwork should replace the rotating artwork, and the artwork should be larger and more prominent.
The following link will direct you to the meeting conversation. (Agenda Item 13.a.):
To ensure the plinth does not remain empty when the current sculpture vacates in December 2025, staff is prepared to proceed with a Call to Artists.
Issues/Analysis: The north side of City Hall presents a prime location for a large-scale, iconic artwork that will serve as a lasting representation of Port St. Lucie's values and culture. Staff has reviewed the City Hall renovation building plans and has confirmed that the existing plinth artwork area will be unaffected and usable.
Financial Information: For reference, a budget of $200,000 is required to commission and install a roundabout artwork, which is of a scale appropriate for a prominent public space. This budget covers all associated costs, including artist fees, materials, permits, and installation.
Special Consideration: Before moving forward with the selection and installation of a new sculp...
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