Placement: Consent Agenda
Action Requested: Motion / Vote
First Amendment to Lease Agreement at Jaycee Park with YMCA of the Treasure Coast, Inc.
Submitted By: Brad Keen, Assistant Director, Parks & Recreation Department
Strategic Plan Link: The City's Goal to enjoy culture, nature and fun activities.
Executive Summary (General Business): On or about August 12, 2013, the City and YMCA of the Treasure Coast, Inc., entered into a lease agreement for the YMCA's use of a portion of Jaycee Neighborhood Park as a program location. The First Amendment to the Lease Agreement will extend the term of the Agreement for 10 years, with an amended expiration date of August 12th, 2033.
Presentation Information: N/A
Staff Recommendation: Move that the Council approve the First Amendment to Lease Agreement at Jaycee Park with the YMCA of the Treasure Coast, Inc.
Alternate Recommendations:
1. Move that the Council amend the recommendation and approve the First Amendment to Lease Agreement at Jaycee Park with the YMCA of the Treasure Coast, Inc.
2. Move that the Council provide staff with direction.
Background: The YMCA has had a long-standing presence at Jaycee Neighborhood Park through its lease of a City building in which the YMCA offers after school and summer programs to area residents. The YMCA is a tenant in good standing, and their continued presence in offering programs at their Jaycee Park facility will be a benefit to the City.
Issues/Analysis: The current lease agreement is due to expire on August 12th, 2023.
Financial Information: No increase to the current rent payment of $1,200.00 per calendar year is proposed. Rent payment is due annually on the anniversary date of the lease agreement.
Special Consideration: N/A
Location of Project: Jaycee Neighborhood Park, 1301 SW Bayshore Blvd., Port St. Lucie, FL 34983
Attachments: Draft First Amendment to Lease Agreement, Aerial of Jaycee Park
NOTE: All of the listed items in the "Attachm...
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