Placement: Second Reading of Ordinances / Quasi-Judicial Hearing
Action Requested: Motion / Vote
Ordinance 22-89, Quasi-Judicial, Public Hearing, An Ordinance Approving the Rezoning of a 28.8-Acre Parcel for a Planned Unit Development (PUD) Zoning District with a Conceptual Development Plan for Torino Parc PUD, Located West of NW East Torino Parkway and North of NW Blanton Boulevard (P20-177).
Submitted By: Holly Price, AICP, Planning & Zoning Department
Strategic Plan Link: The City's Mission to plan for smart and balanced growth.
Executive Summary (General Business): The PUD rezoning application proposes to rezone 28.8 acres of property to allow for the development of 263, two-story, townhouse units that are to be individually platted in the future. The total proposed density is 9.13 dwelling units per acre. This property has a future land use designation of Medium Density Residential (RM) which allows up to 11 dwelling units per acre. All units are no more than two-floors in height. This application is a rezoning of a previous PUD zoning district. The PUD document has been entirely rewritten.
Presentation Information: Available if requested.
Staff Recommendation: Move that the Council approve the proposed PUD amendment as recommended by the Planning and Zoning Board on July 5, 2022 with the following condition:
1) Prior to sending the application to City Council for the second reading, an emergency access to East Torino Parkway shall be shown on the Conceptual Master Plan for the PUD. (Staff: The emergency access has been added to the Conceptual Master Plan.)
Staff also recommends the following condition:
1. The Developer shall be obligated to fund the design and construction of a roundabout at the intersection of West Blanton Boulevard and NW East Torino Parkway. The roundabout shall be designed as a single lane roundabout, but the design shall also accommodate a potential future 4-laning of Torino Parkway and conform to...
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