Placement: Consent Agenda
Action Requested: Motion / Vote
Approve Sponsorship Request from the Marine Industries Association of the Treasure Coast Inc., for the 15th Annual Treasure Coast Waterway Cleanup
Submitted By: Jasmin Padova, Executive Assistant.
Strategic Plan Link: The City’s Mission to be responsive to our community.
Executive Summary (General Business): April Price, Event Coordinator with the Marine Industries Association of the Treasure Coast Inc., is preparing for the 15th Annual Treasure Coast Waterway Cleanup which is being held on Saturday July 23, 2022.
Presentation Information: A member of the Marine Industries Association of the Treasure Coast Inc., will be present.
Staff Recommendation: Move that the Council approve all sponsorship items.
Alternate Recommendations:
1. Move that the Council amend the recommendation and approve selected items.
2. Move that the Council not approve the request and provide staff direction.
Background: The Marine Industries Association of the Treasure Coast Inc., is requesting endorsement of the following items, which are in line with other sponsorship requests approved by the City Council.
1. Use of the City Logo on advertising materials,
2. City presence at the event,
3. Partnership with our Communications Dept. for promotional support of the event.
Issues/Analysis: The Communication Dept. has been advised of this request for assistance and will respond accordingly upon approval from City Council.
Financial Information: N/A
Special Consideration: N/A
Location of Project: Designated sites throughout the Treasure Coast.
Attachments: Flyer.
NOTE: All of the listed items in the “Attachment” section above are in the custody of the City Clerk. Any item(s) not provided in City Council packets are available upon request from the City Clerk.