Placement: Resolutions
Action Requested: Motion / Vote
Resolution 20-R125, A Resolution of the City of Port St. Lucie, Florida, Honoring Dr. John Carvelli
Submitted By: Gregory J. Oravec, Mayor
Strategic Plan Link: The City's Goal of a high-performing city government organization.
Executive Summary (General Business): N/A
Presentation Information: A presentation may be provided by the Mayor.
Staff Recommendation: Move that the Council approve the resolution.
Alternate Recommendations:
1. Move that the Council amend the recommendation and approve the resolution
Background: N/A
Issues/Analysis: N/A
Financial Information: N/A
Special Consideration: N/A
Location of Project: N/A
Attachments: N/A
NOTE: All of the listed items in the “Attachment” section above are in the custody of the City Clerk. Any item(s) not provided in City Council packets are available upon request from the City Clerk.
Internal Reference Number: N/A
Legal Sufficiency Review: