Placement: Proclamations and Special presentations
Action Requested: Discussion
Conservation Lands Program Update
Submitted By: Marissa Da Breo-Latchman, Environmental Planner II
Strategic Plan Link: The City's Goal to enjoy culture, nature and fun activities.
Executive Summary (General Business): Staff will provide an update on activities and recommendations for continued conservation land management.
Presentation Information: Staff will provide a 15 minute presentation
Staff Recommendation: Request that the Council Request that the Council support the continued management of conservation lands and direct staff to move forward with implementation.
Background: The acquisition and management of conservation lands and green space has been prioritized in the Strategic Plan. There are currently eight (8) city-owned parcels, approximately 200 acres, acquired through grant and donations under the Conservation Land Trust Program that are underutilized and not adequately managed.
Issues/Analysis: According to the 2022 National Community SurveyTM, 64% of residents rated the overall quality of the natural environment positively, lower than the national benchmark. In more recent surveys, this metric has reduced to 62%. In 2022, 55% of residents rated preservation of natural areas positively, similar to cities nationwide, and 46% of residents rated Port St. Lucie open space positively. In 2024, 46% of residents regarded the preservation of natural areas positively, while 45% rated open space positively. There has been a downward trend since 2022. Residents have indicated a desire for additional green space. The Conservation Trust Fund Management Plan 2015 update and analysis included the eight city-owned parcels and recommended land management activities that are an opportunity to better manage and activate these conservation lands. Staff recommended at that time the priority for allocation of Conservation Trust Fund money for the management an...
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