Placement: Consent Agenda
Action Requested: Motion / Vote
Approve shortlisted firms and start negotiations for RFQu #20190062 Professional Geotechnical Services for Westport Wastewater Treatment Plant Phase 2 Expansion.
Submitted By: June Raymond, Procurement Agent I, Procurement Management Department (PMD).
Strategic Plan Link: The City's Goal of high-quality infrastructure and facilities.
Executive Summary (General Business): The Utilities Systems Department desires to procure geotechnical services to inspect, sample and test the material and work as required by the City for the Westport Wastewater Treatment Plant Phase 2 expansion.
Presentation Information: N/A.
Staff Recommendation: Move that the Council approve to start negotiations with the firms shortlisted and ranked by the Evaluation Committee as follows:
1. Ardaman & Associates, Inc.
2. Andersen Andre Consulting Engineers, Inc.
3. GFA International, Inc.
If City staff is unable to negotiate an acceptable contract with the # 1 ranked firm, approve to continue the process and negotiate with the next highest ranked firm until an acceptable agreement is reached.
Alternate Recommendations:
1. Move that the Council reject RFQu #20190062 and provide staff with direction.
Background: The City of Port St. Lucie is constructing an expansion of the Westport Wastewater Treatment Facility (WPWWTF). Construction of Part 1 of the expansion work is underway. Part 2 of the expansion work anticipated to commence in fiscal year 2020. The facilities that will be constructed in the Part 2 phase include:
* Three new cast in place concrete aeration/anoxic basins
* One new cast in place concrete clarifier
* One new deep injection well and injection well pad
* Interconnection below grade piping and other utilities
* One new electrical building
* One new chlorine building
* Minor asphalt pavement work
The Utilities System Department desires to hire a qualified testing laboratory agency regularly engag...
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