Placement: Consent Agenda
Action Requested: Motion / Vote
Approve a Final Plat with Construction Plans for a Project Known as Verano South PUD 1- POD D- Plat No. 6 (P24-048).
Submitted By: Daniel Robinson, Planner III.
Strategic Plan Link: The City's Goal of a Smart & Connected City.
Executive Summary (General Business): Request for approval of a Final Plat with Construction Plans that is approximately 52.6 acres in area and includes 123 lots for a project known as Verano South PUD 1 POD D Plat No. 6.
Presentation Information: N/A.
Staff Recommendation: Move that the Council approve the Final Plat with Construction Plans as recommended by the Site Plan Review Committee.
Alternate Recommendations:
1. Move that the Council amend the recommendation and approve the request.
2. Move that the Council deny the request and provide direction.
Background: The Site Plan Review Committee unanimously recommended approval of this Final subdivision plat with construction plans on May 8, 2024.
Issues/Analysis: N/A.
Financial Information: N/A.
Special Consideration: N/A.
Location of Project: This property is located within the Verano DRI, south of the C-24 Canal, west of I-95, and north of Crosstown Parkway.
• Staff Report,
• Subdivision Plat,
• Construction Plans,
• Landscape Plans,
• Application,
• Public Works Traffic Memo.
NOTE: All of the listed items in the “Attachment” section above are in the custody of the City Clerk. Any item(s) not provided in City Council packets are available upon request from the City Clerk.
Internal Reference Number: 24130-04
Legal Sufficiency Review:
Reviewed by Carly Fabien, Deputy City Attorney. Approved as to Legal form and sufficiency by Richard Berrios, City Attorney.