Placement: Consent Agenda
Action Requested: Motion / Vote
Approve Re-Appointment of Contractor Examining Board Member
Submitted By: Anna Berry, Contractor Licensing Coordinator, Building Department
Strategic Plan Link: The City’s Mission to be responsive to our community.
Executive Summary (General Business): Re-appoint Wayne Larsen to the Contractor Examining Board for an additional two (2) years
Presentation Information: N/A
Staff Recommendation: Move that the Council approve re-appointment of Wayne Larsen as Building Contractor Member an additional two (2) years
Alternate Recommendations:
1. Move that the Council amend the recommendation and approve the re-appointment of Wayne Larsen as Building Contractor Member
2. Move that the Council not approve the re-appointment to the Contractor Examining Board and provide staff with direction
Background: Building Contractor Member, Wayne Larsen was appointed to serve for the remainder of the previous Building Contractor Member which expired November 2018. Mr. Larsen was re-appointed for an additional two (2) year terms November 13, 2018, and November 2020. The current term is due to expire November 2022.
Issues/Analysis: N/A
Financial Information: N/A
Special Consideration: N/A
Location of Project: N/A
Attachments: N/A
Legal Sufficiency Review: N/A