Placement: Second Reading of Ordinances / Public Hearing
Action Requested: Motion / Vote
Ordinance 24-55, Public Hearing, an Ordinance Amending the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Port St. Lucie to Provide a Large-Scale Amendment consisting of Text Amendments to the Infrastructure Element by Amending Policy 4.D.2.1.1 of the Infrastructure Element and Adopting by Reference an Updated Water Supply Plan as Required by Section 163.3177 (6)(C), Florida Statutes (P24-124).
Submitted By: Bridget Kean, AICP, Deputy Director Planning and Zoning
Strategic Plan Link: The City's Goal of high-quality infrastructure and facilities.
Executive Summary (General Business): This agenda item is the adoption hearing for a city-initiated large scale comprehensive plan text amendment to update the Infrastructure Element of the City's comprehensive plan by updating Policy 4.D.2.1.1 to adopt by reference the City's 2022 Water Supply Facility Work Plan.
The City held a transmittal hearing on the proposed amendment on September 23, 2024, and approved the transmittal of the amendment to the Florida Department of Commerce and the state and regional reviewing agencies for comment. The Florida Department of Commerce issued their comment letter on October 25, 2024. There were no objections to the proposed amendment from the Florida Department of Commerce or the reviewing agencies. The South Florida Water Management District did offer some technical guidance. The City Utility Systems Department did update the water supply plan to address their comments.
Presentation Information: Staff will provide a presentation.
Staff Recommendation: Move that the Council adopt the amendment as recommended by the Planning and Zoning Board.
Alternate Recommendations:
1. Move that the Council amend the recommendation and adopt the amendment.
2. Move that the Council not adopt the amendment and provide staff direction.
Background: The Planning and Zoning Board recommend...
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