Placement: Resolutions
Action Requested: Motion / Vote
Resolution 21-R30, Authorizing the City Manager, or his designee, to Enter into and Execute a Construction Agreement with the State of Florida Department of Transportation for the Purpose of Constructing Boardwalk Improvements within the Right-of-Way of State Road 716 (Port St. Lucie Boulevard).
Submitted By: Jennifer Davis, CRA Project Manager
Strategic Plan Link: The City's Goal to enjoy culture, nature and fun activities.
Executive Summary (General Business): The purpose of this Resolution is to enter into a Construction Agreement which allows for boardwalk improvements to be constructed within the Right-of-Way of State Road 716 (Port St. Lucie Boulevard) as part of the Port District Boardwalk Project.
Presentation Information: N/A
Staff Recommendation: Move that the Council approve the Resolution.
Alternate Recommendations:
1. Move that the Council amend the recommendation and approve the Resolution.
2. Move that the Council not approve the Resolution and provide staff direction.
Background: The City's Boardwalk projects have played an integral role in the City's Capital Improvement Project program for several years.
Over the last 18 months, the City has been actively constructing the Boardwalk along the North Fork of the St. Lucie River. The "Westmoreland Segment", which runs from the Banyan Tree on the Middle Tract, up to and connecting with Bridge Plaza, was complete and open to the public in September 2020. The "Southern Segment", beginning just south of the Banyan Tree and running southerly along the river adjacent to the Preserve (fka Conservation Tract) is scheduled to be complete and open to the public in Spring 2021.
There is currently a gap in the Boardwalk between the "Westmoreland Segment" and the existing segment at Tom Hooper Park. Timing for the construction of this "Missing Link" segment is heavily dependent upon the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT)...
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