Placement: Public Hearing - Non Quasi Judicial
Action Requested: Motion / Vote
P24-107 City of Port St. Lucie Zoning Text Amendment - Title XV, Land Usage, Chapter 153, Definitions, Section 153.01 - Definitions and Chapter 158 Zoning Code, Article VII - Institutional Districts, Article VIII - Commercial Districts, Article IX - Industrial Districts, Article XI - Supplementary Use Regulations, Section 158.217 - Accessory Uses and Structures, Section 158.222 - Access Standards, Sidewalks, and Bike Paths, and Section 158.232 - Refuse Collection and Recycling Areas.
The City is proposing a Text Amendment to Chapters 153 and 158 to refine and add definitions, update regulations for accessory structures, driveway standards and refuse collection, and to provide for enclosed assembly use with alcohol beverage sales and enclosed assembly use without alcoholic beverage sales.
Submitted By: Daniel Robinson, Planner III
Executive Summary: The City is proposing a Text Amendment to Chapters 153 and 158 to add and refine definitions, update regulations for accessory structures, driveway standards, and refuse collection, and to provide for enclosed assembly use with alcohol beverage sales and enclosed assembly use without alcoholic beverage sales to provide improved customer service and increased transparency.
Presentation Information: Staff will provide a presentation.
Staff Recommendation: Move that the Board find the proposed text amendments consistent with the comprehensive plan and recommend approval of the proposed text amendment.
Alternate Recommendations:
1. Move that the Board amend the recommendation, find the proposed text amendments consistent with the comprehensive plan, and and recommend approval.
2. Move that the Board recommend denial.
Background: Proposed amendment to Section 153.01 is to provide for better clarity of existing definitions and to add some needed additions of definitions. Proposed amendments to Sections 158.110, 158.110, ...
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