City of Port St. Lucie header
File #: 2024-1212    Version: Name:
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 11/20/2024 In control: City Council
On agenda: 1/13/2025 Final action: 1/13/2025
Title: Ordinance 24-83, an Ordinance of the City of Port St. Lucie, Florida, Creating Chapter 101, Waterways, Article I, Boating Safety; Providing for Conflict; Providing for Severability; Providing for Codification; Providing an Effective Date.
Attachments: 1. Ordinance 24-83, 2. Exhibit A - Maps - Exhibit for Marker Application, 3. PSLPD Marker Data Form
Placement: Second Reading of Ordinances
Action Requested: Motion / Vote
Ordinance 24-83, an Ordinance of the City of Port St. Lucie, Florida, Creating Chapter 101, Waterways, Article I, Boating Safety; Providing for Conflict; Providing for Severability; Providing for Codification; Providing an Effective Date.
Submitted By: Carly A. Fabien, Deputy City Attorney, City Attorney Office

Strategic Plan Link: The City's Mission to enhance our community's safety.

Executive Summary (General Business): Since the activation of The Port District, City staff have been working with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission ("FFWC") on the establishment of reduced speed zones along the North Fork of the St. Lucie River. Additional focus has been placed on the recently modified speed zone area along the C-24 Canal near the Boat Ramp.

Presentation Information: Russ Blackburn, Special Assistant to the City Manager, will provide a brief presentation.

Staff Recommendation: Move that the Council approve the ordinance.

Alternate Recommendations:
1. Move that the Council amend the recommendation and approve the ordinance.
2. Move that the Council not approve the ordinance and provide staff with direction.

Background: Similar to cars driving on a roadway, there are waterway hazards which require boat operators to slow down under certain conditions, and there are stretches of waterway where many boaters go too fast. There are two (2) major justifications to impose speed restrictions on the waterway:

1) Boats are moving at an unsafe speed endangering all boaters; and
2) A public hazard is present which requires slowing down to maintain safety for the operator and other boaters. Examples of public hazards include: a public fueling station, kayak launch, public boat ramp, bridge fenders or abutments.

Florida Statute provides that the FFWC administers laws which determine if boater safety (speed) zones may be adopted by local government. Florida ...

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