Placement: Second Reading of Ordinances / Public Hearing
Action Requested: Motion / Vote
Ordinance 22-72, Public Hearing, An Ordinance Amending Title XV "Land Usage", Chapter 154 "Landscape and Land Clearing Code", Article I "Landscaping", Section 154.03 "Landscape Design Standards" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Port St. Lucie (P21-204).
Submitted By: Stephen Mayer, Planner III
Strategic Plan Link: The City's Mission to plan for smart and balanced growth.
Executive Summary (General Business): Proposed amendment to Section 154.03(F) of the Landscape Code regarding the placement and screening of air conditioning condensing and compressor units. The proposed amendment is a staff-initiated Text Amendment. The purpose and intent of this amendment is to allow air conditioning units (AC units) and mechanical equipment in the front yard of property within Industrial, Warehouse, Commercial Service, and Utility zoning districts and ensure they are adequately screened with the appropriate landscaping, enclosures, or structures.
Presentation Information: Staff will make a presentation
Planning and Zoning Board Recommendation: On April 7, 2022 the Planning and Zoning Board voted to recommend approval of a text amendment to the Landscape design Standards.
Alternate Recommendations:
1. Staff Recommendation: Move that the Council deny the proposed zoning text amendment, based on the relatively low number of requests for this type of variance (having only three variance requests over the past five years). Staff recommends that the status quo of reviewing these requests as a variance be preserved.
2. Move that the Council revise the proposed text amendment.
Background: In the past, the City received several variance requests to allow mechanical equipment in the front of the building, such as the University Park Business Center (P21-125), Jenack III, LLC in the Go Team Industrial Park (P21-130) and Gatlin Commons (P19-232). The Planning and Zon...
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