Placement: Consent Agenda
Action Requested: Motion / Vote
Approve Amendment #1 Through Amendment #4 to Contract #20210025 for the Construction of the Sandia Drive Sidewalk Project.
Submitted By: Michelle Fentress, Procurement Agent I, Procurement Management Department (PMD).
Strategic Plan Link: The City's Goal of high-quality infrastructure and facilities.
Summary Brief (Agreements/Contracts only)
1. Prepared by: Michelle Fentress, Procurement Agent I, PMD.
2. Parties: City of Port St. Lucie and Heavy Civil, Inc.
3. Purpose: To account for all field adjustments incurred through January 08, 2022.
4. New/Renewal/Modified: Modified.
5. Duration: Initial contract term was April 25, 2021, through October 22, 2021. Amendment 1 increased the initial contract time an additional 20 days; thereby, the overall contract time was increased to be 200 calendar days and/or November 11, 2021. Amendment 2 increased the contract time an additional 40 days; thereby, the contract time was increased to be 240 calendar days and/or December 21, 2021. Amendment 3 increased the contract time an additional 18 days; thereby, the contract time was increased to 258 calendar days and/or January 8, 2022. There is no additional time associated with Amendment 4.
6. Benefits to Port St. Lucie: To facilitate the completion of the project without impeding ongoing construction activities.
7. Cost to Port St. Lucie (Annual and Potential): Additional services need to be added to the contract to compensate the contractor for items not specifically identified in the original scope of work. The following amendments need to be added to the contract; $47,163.15 for Amendment #1; $56,443.24 for Amendment #2 and $68,274.14 for Amendment #4. The inclusion of the above amendments will result in the original contract amount of $415,000.00 being increased to $518,606.39. There was no contract price increase associated with Amendment #3.
Presentation Information: N/A.
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